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How to customize the output folder path of Easy PDF Merger?

Q:Hi, I am trying to find out the output merged file path but fail. Without selecting a path by myself, I will spend much time finding the file and view it. Just show me how to customize the output folder path or it just doesn’t support now.


A: Easy PDF Merger is a kind of merger that enables merge several files to on large PDF file. Since it is with simple operation interface, many function button was under the inside buttons. About the output path, of course you can customize the output path with Easy PDF Merger. It is not difficult to set up but it may be a little difficult to find out the button for the first use users. As we know that, if we didn’t know where the merged file in, it is really upset for us to search it or merge it again. If we set a path for the merged fie, the problem can be solved smoothly.


Step1: Run Easy PDF Merger and then add PDF files or other files;

Step2: click button “Tools” and then select “options” button;

Step3: then come to “General” options and move your mouse to the “Saved Folder” button;

Step4: select a path that you need or just customize other path to save your file.






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